In a highly competitive domestic tourism landscape, successful destinations are those that understand their audiences, adapting their offers in a way that contributes to the wellbeing of local communities and supporting tourism businesses.
Visit Herts’ first annual residents survey looks to understand and track views on the impact that tourism has on local communities and wellbeing and sets out to map residents’ leisure behaviour locally, whilst capturing awareness and perceptions of Hertfordshire as a day and overnight leisure destination, as well as insights around future visit intentions and needs.
Key areas also include cost of living, sustainability, hybrid working and local engagement, with a focus on identifying potential challenges and opportunities for future product development and assisting Hertfordshire businesses and destinations in identifying the most efficient ways to reach this audience, to provide great leisure opportunities and to inform future destination development decisions.
This research provides invaluable insights and guidance to help support businesses in the sector communicate with residents. For strategic and local authority partners, insights will be instrumental in helping to inform Hertfordshire’s development priorities, planning and strategic decision-making. To find out how Visit Herts can help embed these findings into your organisations’ strategies and priorities or discuss how we can support you please get in touch at
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